Accomplishments for 2002/03
Palmetto Gold Award for our Excellent Rating on South Carolina’s School
Report Card, including $2701 in incentives funds
26 pieces of student work were displayed at the State Fair and six students
won awards, including first place in second grade
Numerous winners in the district’s Visual Literacy Festivals, including: 1st
place award for video production by two special education classes, 37 winners
in puppetry, the winner of the Creative Excellence Award for puppetry, and 5
winners in book production
Two 5th graders nominated for Nestle’s Very Best In Youth
award, with one of these students named as a finalist (1,500 students across
the country were nominated.)
A fifth grader won the Regan McAndrew Award for "best in show"
during the district’s spring art show.
3 classes won first place in the district competition for King of Math
10 fifth graders scored 80% or higher in the district’s first Spanish
exam, with one student scoring 100%
3 fifth graders’ poetry selections were published in the Anthology of
Poetry, a national publication of student poetry.
46 fourth and fifth graders were recognized by Duke University through the
Talent Identification Program for high levels of achievement.
4 students were honored by USC for outstanding science fair projects and
activities, winning 3 major awards in the Regional Science Fair and 2
certificates of merit in the statewide science contest
16 fifth graders won Presidential Awards for Academic Excellence and six for
Academic Improvement.
A fifth grader was selected to participate in the Young Writers’
Conference of South Carolina.
Grant funded by the National Weather Association for an instructional unit,
"The Language of Weather" for our English as a Second Language
Award of Excellence for Custodial Services and superior rating on the
district’s annual housekeeping evaluation
Gymnastics and basketball presentation by students and our physical
education teacher at the S.C. Association for Health, Physical Education,
Recreation, and Dance’s annual convention
Service learning projects: Raised funds for Pennies for Patients ($26163),
collected 750 pounds of food for Harvest Hope Food Bank, donated socks and
gloves to Family Shelter, wrote letters to service personnel in Iraq, and
collected 100 pounds of pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House
We hosted a Spanish camp in June for 15 third and fourth graders to apply
and practice their Spanish skills.
We hosted EdVenture’s Camp Invention during June, providing 40 young
inventors the opportunity to broaden their scientific and creative horizons.
95% of Brennen parents signed the Governor Compacts with Our Children.
55 volunteers volunteered many hours on City Day in March to revitalize the
Learning Garden and Nature Trail.
A nationally-recognized author of children’s books, Anthony Fredricks,
spent three days with Brennen students, staff, and parents helping all of us
catch the love of books and science.