- Maintains a Teacher Resource Room in the Media Center
- Suggests and pulls materials for lesson/unit plans (a cooperative venture)
- Assists in creating topical bibliographies
- Advises and assists with technology integration in the classroom
- Cooperatively designs library activities and extensions for language arts or homeroom
- Maintains a copy of the RD#1 School Board Policy Manual
- Maintains a collection of instructional resources (monographs, how-to
guides, and professional journals)
- Publicizes instructional Web sites
- Coordinates school-based technology training efforts
- Broadcasts TV/video resources and assists in use of TekNet
- Keeps updated list of Literature Study class sets available
- Troubleshoots AV and computer hardware problems; sends items for repair
- Works cooperatively with Curriculum Resource Teacher (CRT)
- Encourages teacher input for purchase of instructional materials and
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