
These materials include both print volumes as well as online resources. Reference sources provide a brief overview of a topic, or specific information to answer a question. 

General Encyclopedias Special Subject Encyclopedias Dictionaries
Almanacs Atlases Magazine Indexes
Other Reference Books Using the Internet Citing Sources

General Encyclopedias


World Book Encyclopedia (click icon on desktop to access school network CD-ROM) 

World Book Encyclopedia (print volumes)

The New Book of Knowledge (online)

The New Book of Knowledge (print volumes)

Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia (online)

Encyclopedia Americana Online (online)

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Special Subject Encyclopedias

The Encyclopedia of North American Indians (M.Cavendish) Colonial America (Grolier)
The American West (Grolier) The American Civil War (Grolier)
The Raintree Illustrated Science Encyclopedia (Steck-Vaughn) Growing Up with Science (Stuttman)
Grolier Student Encyclopedia of Science, Technology & the Environment  Grolier Student Encyclopedia of Endangered Animals
The Grolier Children's Encyclopedia Major Authors & Illustrators for Children & Young Adults (Gale)

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Webster's New World Dictionary (print) American Heritage Children's Dictionary (online)
The Dictionary  (online) The Lincoln Writing Dictionary for Children (print)
New Merriam-Webster Dictionary for Large Print Users (print) Seymour Simon Science Dictionary (print)
The Scholastic Rhyming Dictionary (print)

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SIRS Discoverer Almanac (online) World Almanac and Book of Facts (print)
  The World Almanac of the U.S.A. (print)

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The Young People's Atlas of the United States (Kingfisher Books) Hammond Large Type World Atlas (G.K.Hall)
The Oceans Atlas (D. Kindersley) South Carolina County Maps
Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia Atlas (online) World Fact Book 2000 (CIA)

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Other Reference Books

National Geographic Book of Mammals (2 vols) Rules of the Game; Major Sports of the World
The Official License Plate Book Eyewitness Handbook of Rocks and Minerals
Eyewitness Handbook of Aquarium Fish South Carolina; a Day at a Time (Todd)

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